Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Asalamu Alaikum,

Wow...I have no future right now. I'm in a limbo and inshaAllah i'll get into a college soon, where? I have no idea, when? No clue...but what to do till than?

A. Sleep
B. Sleep
C. Sleep

Hmmmm, not sure. :(

I thought gradumacating from high school would be the most amazing thing ever. But since I have nothing ahead..than. Oh well.

Seriously though, I'm thinking of starting arabic classes again and sign up for swimming lessons. I can see myself right now...swimming lessons...loll. :P

Khair, I was flipping through some stuff I had and this hadith struck me. I would always feel the same way, that its usually the most wacky people who, when they embrace deen or come back they're the MOST amazing and most active in their deen mashaAllah.

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "People are like mines of silver and gold; the best of them in the days of Ignorance (jahilliyah) are the best of them in Islam when they attain knowledge" (Muslim).

I suppose the key phrase their is "when they attain knowledge".

Anyways, I'm going crazy go nuts making dua night and day that Allah(swt) make me pure enough to feel content with life right now. I feel guilty over my restlessness. It can't be a good thing to feel this way.

O Allah, indeed I ask of you, guidance, piety and chastity and to be free of depending on anyone execept you. Ameen Ya Rabb.

In other news: My little sister ruined my most favorite black hijaab. I've had it since forever and she smeared bubble gum all over it. Please make dua. Innil Ilahi wa Innil Ilayhi rajioon.

Fi AmanAllah

p.s. This comic is so horrible, but I think the drawings are sooo cute. awww.


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